County Law Enforcement Professionals of Wisconsin

Wisconsin County Police Association
Legislative Advocacy
One of the primary functions of CLEPW is advocating for laws that will enhance our members’ ability to be effective law enforcement professionals in their communities. Throughout the history of the Association, CLEPW has been instrumental in changing, or enacting, many laws that have had a positive impact on professionals within the law enforcement community.
Each year, at the annual meeting, CLEPW’s members create a legislative agenda for the upcoming year. To assist with accomplishing the items on our agenda, we retain a government relations firm, Hubbard Wilson & Zelenkova. Ramie Zelenkova is CLEPW’s primary lobbyist and she works closely with the executive director to pursue our legislative goals.
We also have a representative on the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Coalition Committee. The committee monitors legislation during the legislative session to identify items of interest and brainstorm ways we can present a united front for, or against, legislative bills.
We have another representative on the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee to the Department of Transportation (DOT). On this committee, we are able to have input on many DOT issues.
Along with this, CLEPW works to recognize and endorse individuals who promote the best interests of county law enforcement. To do this, we present awards to legislators who have shown a commitment to public safety through their legislation.
If you have any concerns or questions on any legislative issues or bills, please contact one of your directors.

County Law Enforcement Professionals of WI's Executive Director Bob Wierenga testifies in the State Capitol

County Law Enforcement Professionals of WI's Executive Director Bob Wierenga testifies in the State Capitol

April 2014 - Bill signing for AB 208, now 2013 WI Act 275, related to special registration plates expressing support for the family members of law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.

County Law Enforcement Professionals of WI's Executive Director Bob Wierenga testifies in the State Capitol